In the paper, we propose a class of faster adaptive gradient descent ascent methods for solving the nonconvex-strongly-concave minimax problems by using unified adaptive matrices used in the SUPER-ADAM \citep{huang2021super}. Specifically, we propose a fast adaptive gradient decent ascent (AdaGDA) method based on the basic momentum technique, which reaches a low sample complexity of $O(\kappa^4\epsilon^{-4})$ for finding an $\epsilon$-stationary point without large batches, which improves the existing result of adaptive minimax optimization method by a factor of $O(\sqrt{\kappa})$. Moreover, we present an accelerated version of AdaGDA (VR-AdaGDA) method based on the momentum-based variance reduced technique, which achieves the best known sample complexity of $O(\kappa^3\epsilon^{-3})$ for finding an $\epsilon$-stationary point without large batches. Further assume the bounded Lipschitz parameter of objective function, we prove that our VR-AdaGDA method reaches a lower sample complexity of $O(\kappa^{2.5}\epsilon^{-3})$ with the mini-batch size $O(\kappa)$. In particular, we provide an effective convergence analysis framework for our adaptive methods based on unified adaptive matrices, which include almost existing adaptive learning rates.