Following the first part of our project, this paper comprehensively studies two types of extragradient-based methods: anchored extragradient and Nesterov's accelerated extragradient for solving [non]linear inclusions (and, in particular, equations), primarily under the Lipschitz continuity and the co-hypomonotonicity assumptions. We unify and generalize a class of anchored extragradient methods for monotone inclusions to a wider range of schemes encompassing existing algorithms as special cases. We establish $\mathcal{O}(1/k)$ last-iterate convergence rates on the residual norm of the underlying mapping for this general framework and then specialize it to obtain convergence guarantees for specific instances, where $k$ denotes the iteration counter. We extend our approach to a class of anchored Tseng's forward-backward-forward splitting methods to obtain a broader class of algorithms for solving co-hypomonotone inclusions. Again, we analyze $\mathcal{O}(1/k)$ last-iterate convergence rates for this general scheme and specialize it to obtain convergence results for existing and new variants. We generalize and unify Nesterov's accelerated extra-gradient method to a new class of algorithms that covers existing schemes as special instances while generating new variants. For these schemes, we can prove $\mathcal{O}(1/k)$ last-iterate convergence rates for the residual norm under co-hypomonotonicity, covering a class of nonmonotone problems. We propose another novel class of Nesterov's accelerated extragradient methods to solve inclusions. Interestingly, these algorithms achieve both $\mathcal{O}(1/k)$ and $o(1/k)$ last-iterate convergence rates, and also the convergence of iterate sequences under co-hypomonotonicity and Lipschitz continuity. Finally, we provide a set of numerical experiments encompassing different scenarios to validate our algorithms and theoretical guarantees.