Majority voting (MV) is the prototypical ``wisdom of the crowd'' algorithm. Theorems considering when MV is optimal for group decisions date back to Condorcet's 1785 jury decision theorem. The same assumption of error independence used by Condorcet is used here to prove a jury evaluation theorem that does purely algebraic evaluation (AE). Three or more binary jurors are enough to obtain the only two possible statistics of their correctness on a joint test they took. AE is shown to be superior to MV since it allows one to choose the minority vote depending on how the jurors agree or disagree. In addition, AE is self-alarming about the failure of the error-independence assumption. Experiments labeling demographic datasets from the American Community Survey are carried out to compare MV and AE on nearly error-independent ensembles. In general, using algebraic evaluation leads to better classifier evaluations and group labeling decisions.