Abstract:This paper proposes a dynamic capacitance matching (DCM)-based RC current response algorithm for calculating the current waveform of a signal line without performing SPICE simulation. Specifically, unlike previous method such as CCS model, driver linear representation, waveform functional fitting or equivalent load capacitance, our algorithm does not rely on fixed reduced model of both standard cell driver and RC load. Instead, our algorithm approaches the current waveform dynamically by computing current responses of the target driver for various load scenarios. Besides, we creatively use symbolic expression to combine the y-parameter of RC network with the pre-characterized driver library in order to perform capacitance matching by considering over/under-shoot effect. Our algorithm is experimentally verified on 40nm CMOS technology and has been partially adopted by latest commercial tool for other nodes. Experimental results show that our algorithm has excellent resolution and promising efficiency compared with traditional methods and SPICE golden result, especially for application in computing delay, power and signal line electromigration.