Abstract:Cybersecurity is a crucial step in data protection to ensure user security and personal data privacy. In this sense, many companies have started to control and restrict access to their data using authentication systems. However, these traditional authentication methods, are not enough for ensuring data protection, and for this reason, behavioral biometrics have gained importance. Despite their promising results and the wide range of applications, biometric systems have shown to be vulnerable to malicious attacks, such as Presentation Attacks. For this reason, in this work, we propose to study a new approach aiming to deploy a presentation attack towards a keystroke authentication system. Our idea is to use Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGAN) for generating synthetic keystroke data that can be used for impersonating an authorized user. These synthetic data are generated following two different real use cases, one in which the order of the typed words is known (ordered dynamic) and the other in which this order is unknown (no-ordered dynamic). Finally, both keystroke dynamics (ordered and no-ordered) are validated using an external keystroke authentication system. Results indicate that the cGAN can effectively generate keystroke dynamics patterns that can be used for deceiving keystroke authentication systems.
Abstract:In the recent years, cybersecurity has gained high relevance, converting the detection of attacks or intrusions into a key task. In fact, a small breach in a system, application, or network, can cause huge damage for the companies. However, when this attack detection encounters the Artificial Intelligence paradigm, it can be addressed using high-quality classifiers which often need high resource demands in terms of computation or memory usage. This situation has a high impact when the attack classifiers need to be used with limited resourced devices or without overloading the performance of the devices, as it happens for example in IoT devices, or in industrial systems. For overcoming this issue, NBcoded, a novel light attack classification tool is proposed in this work. NBcoded works in a pipeline combining the removal of noisy data properties of the encoders with the low resources and timing consuming obtained by the Naive Bayes classifier. This work compares three different NBcoded implementations based on three different Naive Bayes likelihood distribution assumptions (Gaussian, Complement and Bernoulli). Then, the best NBcoded is compared with state of the art classifiers like Multilayer Perceptron and Random Forest. Our implementation shows to be the best model reducing the impact of training time and disk usage, even if it is outperformed by the other two in terms of Accuracy and F1-score (~ 2%).