Abstract:A cognitive function of tracking multiple objects, needed in autonomous mobile vehicles, comprises object detection and their temporal association. While great progress owing to machine learning has been recently seen for elaborating the similarity matrix between the objects that have been recognized and the objects detected in a current video frame, less for the assignment problem that finally determines the temporal association, which is a combinatorial optimization problem. Here we show an in-vehicle multiple object tracking system with a flexible assignment function for tracking through multiple long-term occlusion events. To solve the flexible assignment problem formulated as a nondeterministic polynomial time-hard problem, the system relies on an embeddable Ising machine based on a quantum-inspired algorithm called simulated bifurcation. Using a vehicle-mountable computing platform, we demonstrate a realtime system-wide throughput (23 frames per second on average) with the enhanced functionality.
Abstract:Collaborative filtering generates recommendations based on user-item similarities through rating data, which may involve numerous unrated items. To predict scores for unrated items, matrix factorization techniques, such as nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF), are often employed to predict scores for unrated items. Nonnegative/binary matrix factorization (NBMF), which is an extension of NMF, approximates a nonnegative matrix as the product of nonnegative and binary matrices. Previous studies have employed NBMF for image analysis where the data were dense. In this paper, we propose a modified NBMF algorithm that can be applied to collaborative filtering where data are sparse. In the modified method, unrated elements in a rating matrix are masked, which improves the collaborative filtering performance. Utilizing a low-latency Ising machine in NBMF is advantageous in terms of the computation time, making the proposed method beneficial.