Abstract:This paper describes the Autonomous Architecture Over Restricted Domains project. It begins with the description of the context upon which the project is focused, and in the sequence describes the project and implementation models. It finish by presenting the environment conceptual model, showing where stand the components, inputs and facilities required to interact among the intelligent agents of the various implementations in their respective and restricted, routing domains (Autonomous Systems) which together make the Internet work.
Abstract:This article identifies and discusses the theoretical foundations that were considered in the design of the A2RD model. In addition to the points considered, references are made to the studies available and considered in the approach.
Abstract:This paper describes the deployment and implementation of a blockchain to improve the security, knowledge, intelligence and collaboration during the inter-agent communication processes in restrict domains of the Internet Infrastructure. It is a work that proposes the application of a blockchain, platform independent, on a particular model of agents, but that can be used in similar proposals, once the results on the specific model were satisfactory.