Abstract:Nature has found one method of organizing living matter, but maybe there are also other options -- not yet discovered -- on how to create life. To study the life as it could be is the objective of an interdisciplinary field called Artificial Life (commonly abbreviated as ALife). The word "artificial" refers to the fact that humans are involved in the creation process. The results might be completely unlike natural forms of life, not only because of their chemical composition, but even some computer programs exhibiting life-like behaviours interest ALife researchers.
Abstract:Decanol droplets in a thin layer of sodium decanoate with sodium chloride exhibit bifurcation branching growth due to interplay between osmotic pressure, diffusion and surface tension. We aimed to evaluate if morphology of the branching droplets changes when the droplets are subject to electrical potential difference. We analysed graph-theoretic structure of the droplets and applied several complexity measures. We found that, in overall, the current increases complexity of the branching droplets in terms of number of connected components and nodes in their graph presentations, morphological complexity and compressibility.