Abstract:This paper introduces the single step time domain method named HnH-NRSE, whihc is designed for simultaneous speech intelligibility and quality improvement under noisy-reverberant conditions. In this solution, harmonic and non-harmonic elements of speech are separated by applying zero-crossing and energy criteria. An objective evaluation of the its non-stationarity degree is further used for an adaptive gain to treat masking components. No prior knowledge of speech statistics or room information is required for this technique. Additionally, two combined solutions, IRMO and IRMN, are proposed as composite methods for improvement on noisy-reverberant speech signals. The proposed and baseline methods are evaluated considering two intelligibility and three quality measures, applied for the objective prediction. The results show that the proposed scheme leads to a higher intelligibility and quality improvement when compared to competing methods in most scenarios. Additionally, a perceptual intelligibility listening test is performed, which corroborates with these results. Furthermore, the proposed HnH-NRSE solution attains SRMR quality measure with similar results when compared to the composed IRMO and IRMN techniques.