Abstract:Recently, Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) have been proposed as an alternative to multilayer perceptrons, suggesting advantages in performance and interpretability. We study a typical binary event classification task in high-energy physics including high-level features and comment on the performance and interpretability of KANs in this context. We find that the learned activation functions of a one-layer KAN resemble the log-likelihood ratio of the input features. In deeper KANs, the activations in the first KAN layer differ from those in the one-layer KAN, which indicates that the deeper KANs learn more complex representations of the data. We study KANs with different depths and widths and we compare them to multilayer perceptrons in terms of performance and number of trainable parameters. For the chosen classification task, we do not find that KANs are more parameter efficient. However, small KANs may offer advantages in terms of interpretability that come at the cost of only a moderate loss in performance.
Abstract:We study single-image super-resolution algorithms for photons at collider experiments based on generative adversarial networks. We treat the energy depositions of simulated electromagnetic showers of photons and neutral-pion decays in a toy electromagnetic calorimeter as 2D images and we train super-resolution networks to generate images with an artificially increased resolution by a factor of four in each dimension. The generated images are able to reproduce features of the electromagnetic showers that are not obvious from the images at nominal resolution. Using the artificially-enhanced images for the reconstruction of shower-shape variables and of the position of the shower center results in significant improvements. We additionally investigate the utilization of the generated images as a pre-processing step for deep-learning photon-identification algorithms and observe improvements in the case of low training statistics.