Department of Information and Computer Science at Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Abstract:Decentralized autonomous organizations as a new form of online governance arecollections of smart contracts deployed on a blockchain platform that intercede groupsof people. A growing number of Decentralized Autonomous Organization Platforms,such as Aragon and Colony, have been introduced in the market to facilitate thedevelopment process of such organizations. Selecting the best fitting platform ischallenging for the organizations, as a significant number of decision criteria, such aspopularity, developer availability, governance issues, and consistent documentation ofsuch platforms, should be considered. Additionally, decision-makers at theorganizations are not experts in every domain, so they must continuously acquirevolatile knowledge regarding such platforms and keep themselves updated.Accordingly, a decision model is required to analyze the decision criteria usingsystematic identification and evaluation of potential alternative solutions for adevelopment project. We have developed a theoretical framework to assist softwareengineers with a set of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making problems in software production.This study presents a decision model as a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making problem forthe decentralized autonomous organization platform selection problem. Weconducted three industry case studies in the context of three decentralizedautonomous organizations to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the decisionmodel in assisting decision-makers.