Abstract:We investigate the sample complexity of bounded two-layer neural networks using different activation functions. In particular, we consider the class \[ \mathcal{H} = \left\{\textbf{x}\mapsto \langle \textbf{v}, \sigma \circ W\textbf{x} + \textbf{b} \rangle : \textbf{b}\in\mathbb{R}^d, W \in \mathbb{R}^{T\times d}, \textbf{v} \in \mathbb{R}^{T}\right\} \] where the spectral norm of $W$ and $\textbf{v}$ is bounded by $O(1)$, the Frobenius norm of $W$ is bounded from its initialization by $R > 0$, and $\sigma$ is a Lipschitz activation function. We prove that if $\sigma$ is element-wise, then the sample complexity of $\mathcal{H}$ is width independent and that this complexity is tight. Moreover, we show that the element-wise property of $\sigma$ is essential for width-independent bound, in the sense that there exist non-element-wise activation functions whose sample complexity is provably width-dependent. For the upper bound, we use the recent approach for norm-based bounds named Approximate Description Length (ADL) by arXiv:1910.05697. We further develop new techniques and tools for this approach, that will hopefully inspire future works.
Abstract:As machine learning increasingly becomes more prevalent in our everyday life, many organizations offer neural-networks based services as a black-box. The reasons for hiding a learning model may vary: e.g., preventing copying of its behavior or keeping back an adversarial from reverse-engineering its mechanism and revealing sensitive information about its training data. However, even as a black-box, some information can still be discovered by specific queries. In this work, we show a polynomial-time algorithm that uses a polynomial number of queries to mimic precisely the behavior of a three-layer neural network that uses ReLU activation.
Abstract:We investigate the sample complexity of networks with bounds on the magnitude of its weights. In particular, we consider the class \[ H=\left\{W_t\circ\rho\circ \ldots\circ\rho\circ W_{1} :W_1,\ldots,W_{t-1}\in M_{d, d}, W_t\in M_{1,d}\right\} \] where the spectral norm of each $W_i$ is bounded by $O(1)$, the Frobenius norm is bounded by $R$, and $\rho$ is the sigmoid function $\frac{e^x}{1+e^x}$ or the smoothened ReLU function $ \ln (1+e^x)$. We show that for any depth $t$, if the inputs are in $[-1,1]^d$, the sample complexity of $H$ is $\tilde O\left(\frac{dR^2}{\epsilon^2}\right)$. This bound is optimal up to log-factors, and substantially improves over the previous state of the art of $\tilde O\left(\frac{d^2R^2}{\epsilon^2}\right)$. We furthermore show that this bound remains valid if instead of considering the magnitude of the $W_i$'s, we consider the magnitude of $W_i - W_i^0$, where $W_i^0$ are some reference matrices, with spectral norm of $O(1)$. By taking the $W_i^0$ to be the matrices at the onset of the training process, we get sample complexity bounds that are sub-linear in the number of parameters, in many typical regimes of parameters. To establish our results we develop a new technique to analyze the sample complexity of families $H$ of predictors. We start by defining a new notion of a randomized approximate description of functions $f:X\to\mathbb{R}^d$. We then show that if there is a way to approximately describe functions in a class $H$ using $d$ bits, then $d/\epsilon^2$ examples suffices to guarantee uniform convergence. Namely, that the empirical loss of all the functions in the class is $\epsilon$-close to the true loss. Finally, we develop a set of tools for calculating the approximate description length of classes of functions that can be presented as a composition of linear function classes and non-linear functions.