Abstract:Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths, but current programs are expensive and prone to false positives, leading to unnecessary follow-up and patient anxiety. This paper proposes a solution to automated breast cancer detection, to improve the efficiency and accuracy of screening programs. Different methodologies were tested against the RSNA dataset of radiographic breast images of roughly 20,000 female patients and yielded an average validation case pF1 score of 0.56 across methods.
Abstract:We leverage the fast physics simulator, MuJoCo to run tasks in a continuous control environment and reveal details like the observation space, action space, rewards, etc. for each task. We benchmark value-based methods for continuous control by comparing Q-learning and SARSA through a discretization approach, and using them as baselines, progressively moving into one of the state-of-the-art deep policy gradient method DDPG. Over a large number of episodes, Qlearning outscored SARSA, but DDPG outperformed both in a small number of episodes. Lastly, we also fine-tuned the model hyper-parameters expecting to squeeze more performance but using lesser time and resources. We anticipated that the new design for DDPG would vastly improve performance, yet after only a few episodes, we were able to achieve decent average rewards. We expect to improve the performance provided adequate time and computational resources.