Abstract:Vertical bars, horizontal bars, dot, scatter, and line plots provide a diverse set of visualizations to represent data. To understand these plots, one must be able to recognize textual components, locate data points in a plot, and process diverse visual contexts to extract information. In recent works such as Pix2Struct, Matcha, and Deplot, OCR-free chart-to-text translation has achieved state-of-the-art results on visual language tasks. These results outline the importance of chart-derendering as a pre-training objective, yet existing datasets provide a fixed set of training examples. In this paper, we propose GenPlot; a plot generator that can generate billions of additional plots for chart-derendering using synthetic data.
Abstract:Ciphers are a powerful tool for encrypting communication. There are many different cipher types, which makes it computationally expensive to solve a cipher using brute force. In this paper, we frame the decryption task as a classification problem. We first create a dataset of transpositions, substitutions, text reversals, word reversals, sentence shifts, and unencrypted text. Then, we evaluate the performance of various tokenizer-model combinations on this task.