Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Chattogram, Bangladesh
Abstract:The development of an intelligent agricultural decision-supporting system for crop selection and disease forecasting in Bangladesh is the main objective of this work. The economy of the nation depends heavily on agriculture. However, choosing crops with better production rates and efficiently controlling crop disease are obstacles that farmers have to face. These issues are addressed in this research by utilizing machine learning methods and real-world datasets. The recommended approach uses a variety of datasets on the production of crops, soil conditions, agro-meteorological regions, crop disease, and meteorological factors. These datasets offer insightful information on disease trends, soil nutrition demand of crops, and agricultural production history. By incorporating this knowledge, the model first recommends the list of primarily selected crops based on the soil nutrition of a particular user location. Then the predictions of meteorological variables like temperature, rainfall, and humidity are made using SARIMAX models. These weather predictions are then used to forecast the possibilities of diseases for the primary crops list by utilizing the support vector classifier. Finally, the developed model makes use of the decision tree regression model to forecast crop yield and provides a final crop list along with associated possible disease forecast. Utilizing the outcome of the model, farmers may choose the best productive crops as well as prevent crop diseases and reduce output losses by taking preventive actions. Consequently, planning and decision-making processes are supported and farmers can predict possible crop yields. Overall, by offering a detailed decision support system for crop selection and disease prediction, this work can play a vital role in advancing agricultural practices in Bangladesh.