Abstract:Offline handwriting recognition (HWR) has improved significantly with the advent of deep learning architectures in recent years. Nevertheless, it remains a challenging problem and practical applications often rely on post-processing techniques for restricting the predicted words via lexicons or language models. Despite their enhanced performance, such systems are less usable in contexts where out-of-vocabulary words are anticipated, e.g. for detecting misspelled words in school assessments. To that end, we introduce the task of comparing a handwriting image to text. To solve the problem, we propose an unrestricted binary classifier, consisting of a HWR feature extractor and a multimodal classification head which convolves the feature extractor output with the vector representation of the input text. Our model's classification head is trained entirely on synthetic data created using a state-of-the-art generative adversarial network. We demonstrate that, while maintaining high recall, the classifier can be calibrated to achieve an average precision increase of 19.5% compared to addressing the task by directly using state-of-the-art HWR models. Such massive performance gains can lead to significant productivity increases in applications utilizing human-in-the-loop automation.