Abstract:Many voice disorders induce subharmonic phonation, but voice signal analysis is currently lacking a technique to detect the presence of subharmonics reliably. Distinguishing subharmonic phonation from normal phonation is a challenging task as both are nearly periodic phenomena. Subharmonic phonation adds cyclical variations to the normal glottal cycles. Hence, the estimation of subharmonic period requires a wholistic analysis of the signals. Deep learning is an effective solution to this type of complex problem. This paper describes fully convolutional neural networks which are trained with synthesized subharmonic voice signals to classify the subharmonic periods. Synthetic evaluation shows over 98% classification accuracy, and assessment of sustained vowel recordings demonstrates encouraging outcomes as well as the areas for future improvements.
Abstract:In clinical voice signal analysis, mishandling of subharmonic voicing may cause an acoustic parameter to signal false negatives. As such, the ability of a fundamental frequency estimator to identify speaking fundamental frequency is critical. This paper presents a sustained-vowel study, which used a quality-of-estimate classification to identify subharmonic errors and subharmonics-to-harmonics ratio (SHR) to measure the strength of subharmonic voicing. Five estimators were studied with a sustained vowel dataset: Praat, YAAPT, Harvest, CREPE, and FCN-F0. FCN-F0, a deep-learning model, performed the best both in overall accuracy and in correctly resolving subharmonic signals. CREPE and Harvest are also highly capable estimators for sustained vowel analysis.
Abstract:Assessment of voice signals has long been performed with the assumption of periodicity as this facilitates analysis. Near periodicity of normal voice signals makes short-time harmonic modeling an appealing choice to extract vocal feature parameters. For dysphonic voice, however, a fixed harmonic structure could be too constrained as it strictly enforces periodicity in the model. Slight variation in amplitude or frequency in the signal may cause the model to misrepresent the observed signal. To address these issues, this paper presents a time-varying harmonic model, which allows its fundamental frequency and harmonic amplitudes to be polynomial functions of time. The model decouples the slow deviations of frequency and amplitude from fast irregular vocal fold vibratory behaviors such as subharmonics and diplophonia. The time-varying model is shown to track the frequency and amplitude modulations present in voice with severe tremor. This reduces the sensitivity of the model-based harmonics-to-noise ratio measures to slow frequency and amplitude variations while maintaining its sensitivity to increase in turbulent noise or the presence of irregular vibration. Other uses of the model include the vocal tract filter estimation and the rates of frequency and intensity changes. These use cases are experimentally demonstrated along with the modeling accuracy.