One of the fundamental endeavors in radio frequency (RF) metrology is to measure the power of signals, where a common aim is to estimate the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), which quantifies the ratio of the maximum (peak) to the mean value. For a finite number of discrete-time samples of baseband in-phase and quadrature (I/Q) white Gaussian noise (WGN) that are independent and identically distributed with zero mean, we derive a closed-form, exact formula for mean PAPR that is well-approximated by the natural logarithm of the number of samples plus Euler's constant. Additionally, we give related theoretical results for the mean crest factor. After comparing our main result to previously published approximate formulas, we examine how violations of the WGN assumptions in sampled I/Q data result in deviations from the expected value of PAPR. Finally, utilizing a measured RF I/Q acquisition, we illustrate how our formula for mean PAPR can be applied to spectral analysis with spectrograms to verify when measured RF emissions are WGN in a given frequency band.