Physiological measurements involves observing variables that attribute to the normative functioning of human systems and subsystems directly or indirectly. The measurements can be used to detect affective states of a person with aims such as improving human-computer interactions. There are several methods of collecting physiological data, but wearable sensors are a common, non-invasive tool for accurate readings. However, valuable information is hard to extract from the raw physiological data, especially for affective state detection. Machine Learning techniques are used to detect the affective state of a person through labeled physiological data. A clear problem with using labeled data is creating accurate labels. An expert is needed to analyze a form of recording of participants and mark sections with different states such as stress and calm. While expensive, this method delivers a complete dataset with labeled data that can be used in any number of supervised algorithms. An interesting question arises from the expensive labeling: how can we reduce the cost while maintaining high accuracy? Semi-Supervised learning (SSL) is a potential solution to this problem. These algorithms allow for machine learning models to be trained with only a small subset of labeled data (unlike unsupervised which use no labels). They provide a way of avoiding expensive labeling. This paper compares a fully supervised algorithm to a SSL on the public WESAD (Wearable Stress and Affect Detection) Dataset for stress detection. This paper shows that Semi-Supervised algorithms are a viable method for inexpensive affective state detection systems with accurate results.