We analyzed the auditory-perceptual space across a substantial portion of the human vocal range (220-1046 Hz) using multidimensional scaling analysis of cochlea-scaled spectra from 250-ms vowel segments, initially studied in Friedrichs et al. (2017) J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 142 1025-1033. The dataset comprised the vowels /i y e {\o} {\epsilon} a o u/ (N=240) produced by three native German female speakers, encompassing a broad range of their respective voice frequency ranges. The initial study demonstrated that, during a closed-set identification task involving 21 listeners, the point vowels /i a u/ were significantly recognized at fundamental frequencies (fo) nearing 1 kHz, whereas the recognition of other vowels decreased at higher pitches. Building on these findings, our study revealed systematic spectral shifts associated with vowel height and frontness as fo increased, with a notable clustering around /i a u/ above 523 Hz. These observations underscore the pivotal role of spectral shape in vowel perception, illustrating the reliance on acoustic anchors at higher pitches. Furthermore, this study sheds light on the quantal nature of these vowels and their potential impact on language evolution, offering a plausible explanation for their widespread presence in the world's languages.