Large machine learning models based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with rapidly increasing number of parameters, trained with massive amounts of data, are being deployed in a wide array of computer vision tasks from self-driving cars to medical imaging. The insatiable demand for computing resources required to train these models is fast outpacing the advancement of classical computing hardware, and new frameworks including Optical Neural Networks (ONNs) and quantum computing are being explored as future alternatives. In this work, we report a novel quantum computing based deep learning model, the Quantum Optical Convolutional Neural Network (QOCNN), to alleviate the computational bottleneck in future computer vision applications. Using the popular MNIST dataset, we have benchmarked this new architecture against a traditional CNN based on the seminal LeNet model. We have also compared the performance with previously reported ONNs, namely the GridNet and ComplexNet, as well as a Quantum Optical Neural Network (QONN) that we built by combining the ComplexNet with quantum based sinusoidal nonlinearities. In essence, our work extends the prior research on QONN by adding quantum convolution and pooling layers preceding it. We have evaluated all the models by determining their accuracies, confusion matrices, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves, and Matthews Correlation Coefficients. The performance of the models were similar overall, and the ROC curves indicated that the new QOCNN model is robust. Finally, we estimated the gains in computational efficiencies from executing this novel framework on a quantum computer. We conclude that switching to a quantum computing based approach to deep learning may result in comparable accuracies to classical models, while achieving unprecedented boosts in computational performances and drastic reduction in power consumption.