This work presents a concept for the localisation of Lamb waves using a Passive Phased Array (PPA). A Warped Frequency Transformation (WFT) is applied to the acquired signals using numerically determined phase velocity information to compensate for signal dispersion. Whilst powerful, uncertainty between material properties cannot completely remove dispersion and hence the close intra-element spacing of the array is leveraged to allow for the assumption that each acquired signal is a scaled, translated, and noised copy of its adjacent counterparts. Following this, a recursive signal-averaging method using artificial time-locking to denoise the acquired signals by assuming the presence of non-correlated, zero mean noise is applied. Unlike the application of bandpass filters, the signal-averaging method does not remove potentially useful frequency components. The proposed methodology is compared against a bandpass filtered approach through a parametric study. A further discussion is made regarding applications and future developments of this technique.