This paper demonstrates a method that synthesizes narrowband Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) beampatterns using the Multi-Tone Sinusoidal Frequency Modulated (MTSFM) waveform model. MIMO arrays transmit unique waveforms on each of their elements which increases the degrees of freedom available to synthesize novel transmit beampatterns. The MIMO beampattern shape is determined by the structure of the MIMO correlation matrix whose entries are the inner products between the waveforms transmitted on each element. The MTSFM waveform possesses an instantaneous phase that is represented as a finite Fourier series. The Fourier coefficients are modified to synthesize sets of waveforms whose correlation matrix realizes a desired MIMO transmit beampattern. The MIMO correlation matrix for a MTSFM waveform set has an analytical form expressed in terms of Generalized Bessel Functions. These mathematical properties are utilized to develop an optimization routine that synthesizes MTSFM waveform sets to approximate a desired MIMO transmit beampattern. The performance of this optimization routine is then demonstrated via an illustrative design example.