Multi-target detection and communication with extremely large-scale antenna arrays (ELAAs) operating at high frequencies necessitate generating multiple beams. However, conventional algorithms are slow and computationally intensive. For instance, they can simulate a \num{200}-antenna system over two weeks, and the time complexity grows exponentially with the number of antennas. Thus, this letter explores an ultra-low-complex solution for a multi-user, multi-target integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system equipped with an ELAA base station (BS). It maximizes the communication sum rate while meeting sensing beampattern gain targets and transmit power constraints. As this problem is non-convex, a Riemannian stochastic gradient descent-based augmented Lagrangian manifold optimization (SGALM) algorithm is developed, which searches on a manifold to ensure constraint compliance. The algorithm achieves ultra-low complexity and superior runtime performance compared to conventional algorithms. For example, it is \num{56} times faster than the standard benchmark for \num{257} BS antennas.