The recent advance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is continuously reshaping the future 6G wireless communications. Recently, the development of Large Language Models (LLMs) offers a promising approach to effectively improve the performance and generalization for different physical layer tasks. However, most existing works finetune dedicated LLM networks for a single wireless communication task separately. Thus performing diverse physical layer tasks introduces extremely high training resources, memory usage, and deployment costs. To solve the problem, we propose a LLM-enabled multi-task physical layer network to unify multiple tasks with a single LLM. Specifically, we first propose a multi-task LLM framework, which finetunes LLM to perform multi-user precoding, signal detection and channel prediction simultaneously. Besides, multi-task instruction module, input encoders, as well as output decoders, are elaborately designed to distinguish multiple tasks and adapted the features of different formats of wireless data for the features of LLM. Numerical simulations are also displayed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.