As one of the six usage scenarios of the sixth generation (6G) mobile communication system, integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) has garnered considerable attention, and numerous studies have been conducted on radio-frequency (RF)-ISAC. Benefitting from the communication and sensing capabilities of an optical system, free space optical (FSO)-ISAC becomes a potential complement to RF-ISAC. In this paper, a direct-current-biased optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (DCO-OFDM) scheme is proposed for FSO-ISAC. To derive the spectral efficiency for communication and the Fisher information for sensing as performance metrics, we model the clipping noise of DCO-OFDM as additive colored Gaussian noise to obtain the expression of the signal-to-noise ratio. Based on the derived performance metrics, joint power allocation problems are formulated for both communication-centric and sensing-centric scenarios. In addition, the non-convex joint optimization problems are decomposed into sub-problems for DC bias and subcarriers, which can be solved by block coordinate descent algorithms. Furthermore, numerical simulations demonstrate the proposed algorithms and reveal the trade-off between communication and sensing functionalities of the OFDM-based FSO-ISAC system.