Terahertz (THz) band communication, ranging from 0.1 THz to 10 THz, is envisioned as a key enabling technology for next-generation networks and future applications such as inter-satellite communications and environmental sensing. The surging number of space debris in Low Earth Orbit poses a big threat to orbital infrastructure and the development of the space economy. In particular, despite the ability to detect and track large-scale space debris, millions of space debris with a radius within the range of 0.1-10 cm and velocity exceeding 1 km/s remains hard to detect with conventional ground-based radars and optical telescopes. In this study, a dual-functional frequency modulated continuous waveform (FMCW) operating in the THz band is adopted for space debris sensing and inter-satellite communications. Specifically, the radar cross section of space debris with various sizes in the THz band is analyzed to demonstrate the feasibility of THz space debris detection. A joint space debris detection and inter-satellite communications based on the FMCW waveform is derived. Then, the parameter estimation and demodulation algorithms are illustrated. Extensive simulations demonstrate that the proposed method can realize high-accuracy parameter estimation of hypervelocity space debris while achieving high reliability for inter-satellite communications.