Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) learns an optimal policy, given some expert demonstrations, thus avoiding the need for the tedious process of specifying a suitable reward function. However, current methods are constrained by at least one of the following requirements. The first one is the need to fully solve a forward Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem in the inner loop of the algorithm, which might be prohibitively expensive in many complex environments. The second one is the need for full trajectories from the experts, which might not be easily available. The third one is the assumption that the expert data is homogeneous rather than a collection from various experts or possibly alternative solutions to the same task. Such constraints make IRL approaches either not scalable or not usable on certain existing systems. In this work we propose an approach which removes these requirements through a dynamic, adaptive method called Adversarial Imitation Learning on Aggregated Data (AILAD). It learns conjointly both a non linear reward function and the associated optimal policy using an adversarial framework. The reward learner only uses aggregated data. Moreover, it generates diverse behaviors producing a distribution over the aggregated data matching that of the experts.